This NVR is suitable for introducing high-definition IP surveillance solution, and it’s also the best product if you simply want to upgrade your CCTV system to IP system without re-cabling. The existing CCTV cabling could be used for IP system upgrade.
View 6CH NVR IP Camera
This NVR could be used as a control center to control and monitor up to 6 network cameras (ONVIF supported) connected to this NVR locally or remotely, and also get the ability of image storage for evidentiary recording and data backup. To have the best monitoring and recording images, this NVR supports full HD image display and real-time record per channel. Must-buy reasons
To be able to see what you care at anytime, from anywhere, connect this NVR itself to Internet, and you’ll be able to see up to six network camera images at a time, from commonly-used web browsers on Windows and MAC OS, or from the mobile app, EagleEyes, on your mobile phone or tablet.
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